Names are more indicative of one’s character than physical appearance. Distinct families have distinct last names. Your last name would carry an air of mystery if you were born into a family that values unusual and dark names. 

Dark last names are one-of-a-kind surnames that seem powerful and ominous. They typically feature threatening or dramatic elements. 

Unsettling surnames have the most chilling significance. Other common surnames share the meaning of death or the shadows with them. 

However, just because your child has a scary last name doesn’t imply they’ll grow up to be the wrong person. That sets them out from the crowd and makes them so terrifying. 

In this article, dive into an intriguing collection of 250+ dark and mysterious last names. Perfect for characters, alter egos, or just to satisfy your curiosity, these unique, incredible, and crazy surnames will inspire and captivate.

Dark Last Names

Crazy, Cool, and Unique Dark Last Names

Characters in horror novels frequently have sinister-sounding surnames. 

You should choose a suitable ominous surname for your character if you wish to add depth and dimension to your story, and they inspire fear when heard or read. Here you go if you’re looking for creepy, strange, or demonic last names to use in your story. 

Badd Arse Gothic Last Names

The dark allure of a gothic surname is ideally suited to the brooding protagonist of a horror narrative. In addition, you will need more of their stunningly lovely last names. 

Here is a list of surnames to get you started, broken down into categories like “Victorian,” “cool,” and “dark Gothic.” 

  1. 2Aldric
  2. Alecto
  3. Astor
  4. Axton
  5. Belladonna
  6. Birch
  7. Blackwell
  8. Calyx
  9. Caradoc
  10. Chopper
  11. Corvette
  12. Corbin
  13. Corvin
  14. Cyprian
  15. Damon
  16. Deacon
  17. Dean
  18. Demetrius
  19. Derby
  20. Deverell
  21. Devlin
  22. Dexter
  23. Draven
  24. Edgar
  25. Edge
  26. Eustace
  27. Fabianna
  28. Fallon
  29. Fane
  30. Ferdinand
  31. Garroway
  32. Gawain
  33. Gray
  34. Griswold
  35. Harding
  36. Hamlet
  37. Hawke
  38. Hawthorne
  39. Hector
  40. Hester
  41. Hubert
  42. Irvine
  43. Jett
  44. Keegan
  45. Kenyon
  46. Larue
  47. Loki
  48. Luciano
  49. Lucio
  50. Lycoris
  51. Lysander
  52. Malcolm
  53. Malik
  54. Manfred
  55. Marek
  56. Miguel
  57. Morgan
  58. Muse
  59. Nash
  60. Nexus
  61. Nicodemus
  62. Oaks
  63. Octavia
  64. Onyx
  65. Oswald
  66. Peregrine
  67. Phaedra
  68. Quinlan
  69. Ramon
  70. Ransom
  71. Rook
  72. Ryker
  73. Rylan
  74. Severin
  75. Shadow
  76. Shaw
  77. Silvester
  78. Slater
  79. Slater
  80. Sloane
  81. Steele
  82. Stryker
  83. Taos
  84. Tempest
  85. Thorn
  86. Thostern
  87. Ulysses
  88. Usher
  89. Valerian
  90. Vash
  91. Vera
  92. Wade
  93. Wednesday
  94. Wilhelmine
  95. Wolfgang
  96. Wulfric
  97. Xavier
  98. Zachary
  99. Zane
  100. Zephyrus
  101. Zorro

Dark Villainous Last Names

Looking for a dramatic or glamorous last name for your literary protagonist? Is it also your Instagram handle? These sinister surnames range from creepy to ominous and are ideal for your villainous protagonists. 

Use these fascinating yet sinister and edgy surnames to create an atmosphere of fear and intrigue in your next tale or caption: 

  1. Aouza
  2. Aragon
  3. Azrael
  4. Balsam
  5. Balthazar
  6. Battle
  7. Beowulf
  8. Black
  9. Blade
  10. Blair
  11. Bledsoe
  12. Bloon
  13. Carlyx
  14. Chandley
  15. Cicero
  16. Cifarelli
  17. Clawson
  18. Cochran
  19. Craven
  20. Cree
  21. Creighton
  22. Cross
  23. Crowe
  24. Dagon
  25. Daire
  26. Damien
  27. Dargis
  28. Darke
  29. Deville
  30. Drakos
  31. Dresden
  32. Droll
  33. Drury
  34. Drury
  35. Dunn
  36. Ebenezer
  37. Edelweiss
  38. Ervin
  39. Fagan
  40. Fang
  41. Faust
  42. Faust
  43. Fies
  44. Friloux
  45. Galle
  46. Glaphyra
  47. Gress
  48. Grimm
  49. Grimwald
  50. Gurr
  51. Hargreaves
  52. Haskel
  53. Hatchett
  54. Havelock
  55. Havoc
  56. Hellriegel
  57. Hemlock
  58. Herron
  59. Hitchcock
  60. Houston
  61. Jacoby
  62. Kertz
  63. Killian
  64. Leid
  65. Lestrange
  66. Locke
  67. Lurch
  68. Luther
  69. Malo
  70. Marmon
  71. Mau
  72. Mccabe
  73. Mordecai
  74. Mort
  75. Morton
  76. Nasso
  77. Nesbitt
  78. Nobis
  79. Noire
  80. Nox
  81. Obediah
  82. Pellicane
  83. Phelan
  84. Pike
  85. Pilon
  86. Pluta
  87. Quaker
  88. Rapture
  89. Raven
  90. Reinhart
  91. Rogue
  92. Roth
  93. Rowley
  94. Sagan
  95. Salem
  96. Scarlet
  97. Shockley
  98. Shuck
  99. Slaght
  100. Slimp
  101. Spurlock
  102. Strife
  103. Strife
  104. Sweeney
  105. Talon
  106. Thatcher
  107. Travieso
  108. Trix
  109. Tycho
  110. Verno
  111. Villages
  112. Voight
  113. Wilkes
  114. Wooten
  115. Wrede
  116. Wren
  117. Wystan

Dark Surnames That Mean Darkness or Death

Dark Last Names

While death is taboo in many communities, it is a cause for joy in others. It’s not unusual to come across real-life persons or fictional characters with ominous-sounding surnames that deeply connect to the macabre. 

Here are some surnames with morbid connotations if you want to go against the grain of society. 

  1. Abiba
  2. Achlys
  3. Adaliah
  4. Adrienne
  5. Ahimoth
  6. Ajal
  7. Alexiares
  8. Allaia
  9. Amaia
  10. Amara
  11. Anubis
  12. Arius
  13. Athanasius
  14. Bashemath
  15. Benoni
  16. Berodach
  17. Bhishak
  18. Bram
  19. Cain
  20. Cessair
  21. Charity
  22. Crocker
  23. Dabria
  24. Dabria
  25. Detail
  26. Desdemona
  27. Dolores
  28. Domzalski
  29. Donn
  30. Dotterweich
  31. Ereshkigal
  32. Feig
  33. Galardi
  34. Gaumond
  35. Gifflet
  36. Hadeon
  37. Hades
  38. Halphen
  39. Hecate
  40. Janardan
  41. Jeremoth
  42. Jerimoth
  43. Jolon
  44. Kadish
  45. Kaliya
  46. Karma
  47. Keket
  48. Keres
  49. Knaggs
  50. La Porte
  51. Lawliet
  52. Lefu
  53. Letum
  54. Leukadios
  55. Libitina
  56. Lilith
  57. Lola
  58. Loralai
  59. Loreley
  60. Louhi
  61. Louhi
  62. Mallory
  63. Manea
  64. Manes
  65. Maremoth
  66. Matalon
  67. Maveth
  68. Morrigan
  69. Mort
  70. Morticia
  71. Mortimer
  72. Naenia
  73. Nastrond
  74. Orcus
  75. Osiris
  76. Persephone
  77. Pluto
  78. Posthumus
  79. Ran
  80. Rohner
  81. Rohner
  82. Runihara
  83. Sephtis
  84. Shahid
  85. Shinigami
  86. Smierc
  87. Stamatis
  88. Sunday
  89. Tamasvi
  90. Than
  91. Thanatos
  92. Tia
  93. Toepel
  94. Toth
  95. Tristan
  96. Tristana
  97. Tuoni
  98. Vendetta
  99. Voldemort
  100. Wolfe
  101. Yama

Surnames From Gothic Fiction

Does your protagonist have a blacker-than-black heart? Do you believe in or have any connection to evil mystical beings? Then you’ll want to use names associated with the goth subculture. 

The popularity of gothic art may be demonstrated by its prevalence in Instagram handles across the globe. These dark and foreboding names are suitable for the darkest of souls: 

  1. Alecto
  2. Alica
  3. Amalindis
  4. Ambrosia
  5. Amelie
  6. Acreage
  7. Ares
  8. Asmodeus
  9. Avina
  10. Baduila
  11. Barnabas
  12. Barrow
  13. Beckford
  14. Belial
  15. Bellamira
  16. Bloodworth
  17. Bones
  18. Bronte
  19. Buffy
  20. Carrie
  21. Casper
  22. Chimera
  23. Circe
  24. Cruella
  25. Crypto
  26. Cyclops
  27. Damask
  28. De winter
  29. Dirge
  30. Dirth
  31. Dorthe-Julia
  32. Dracula
  33. Dread
  34. Duda
  35. Eiris
  36. Endora
  37. Erebus
  38. Euric
  39. Fester
  40. Forrest
  41. Fritigern
  42. Frost
  43. Gelvira
  44. Gento
  45. Gerung
  46. Ghidora
  47. Ghost
  48. Giso
  49. Glasya
  50. Goloriccas
  51. Gomez
  52. Grendel
  53. Gundobad
  54. Gutans
  55. Hannibal
  56. Hela
  57. Heldefredus
  58. Hex
  59. Himnerith
  60. Hisarna
  61. Igor
  62. Inferno
  63. Krueger
  64. Llorona
  65. Lorelei
  66. Matasvintha
  67. Medusa
  68. Mira
  69. Mordor
  70. Narin
  71. Nyx
  72. Ophelia
  73. Ostrogoths
  74. Patza
  75. Persephone
  76. Portia
  77. Rasputin
  78. Required
  79. Ripper
  80. Salla
  81. Samhain
  82. Scarface
  83. Selene
  84. Sigismund
  85. Specter
  86. Stone
  87. Stroud
  88. Tanais
  89. Thanatos
  90. Thela
  91. Theodoric
  92. Thiudigotho
  93. Thorismud
  94. Thorismund
  95. Underwood
  96. Valamir
  97. Van Helsing
  98. Veduca
  99. Vladimir
  100. Viktor
  101. Viliaris
  102. Wamba
  103. Wolfwood
  104. Wyvern
  105. Xylia
  106. Zeida

Despite the bloody pasts associated with some dark surnames, many of these names have traditionally been held by people of high social standing. 

Parents searching for a cute dark name continue to choose dark variants of traditional surnames because of the perceived symbolism of strength, perseverance, power, and elegance associated with them in today’s society. 


Giving your daughter a name with a divine connotation can help shape her personality. The meanings and spellings of angel names have evolved. Female angel identities are inspiring because they are beautiful and light up the world.